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Chemopetrol produced 10 million tons of Ethylene


The unit’s initial industrial production capacity of 435 kt a year was increased to 485 kt in 2001. At the present time, work is being carried out on further enlargement of the production capacity, which should reach 545 kt/year by this October.

Can you imagine a balloon with the diameter of 2.5 km? A pipeline stretching 3/4 of the way around the equator, or twice the distance between Prague and Beijing? If you can, the balloon or the pipeline you are thinking of could be filled with the ethylene produced in Litvínov-based Chemopetrol since 1980, when its ethylene unit was placed into operation.  These days, Chemopetrol had produced its 10 millionth tonne of ethylene, and a couple of days earlier its 5 millionth tonne of propylene. Ethylene and propylene are the two major products of the ethylene unit.

Prague, 5th of April 07 - The unit’s initial industrial production capacity of 435 kt a year was increased to 485 kt in 2001. At the present time, work is being carried out on further enlargement of the production capacity, which should reach 545 kt/year by this October.

The raw material for the ethylene unit is various crude oil fractions entirely supplied by the largest processor in Česká rafinérská, Unipetrol Rafinérie. Major ethylene purchasers are Chemopetrol itself (polyethylene), Spolana Neratovice (PVC) and Kaučuk Kralupy (ethyl benzene).

Besides ethylene, the ethylene unit makes other products further processed at Chemopetrol or other companies of the Unipetrol group. They primarily include propylene and benzene, as well as pyrolysis fuel oils and naphthalene concentrate. And what kind of end products contain one of the ethylene unit’s products as the basic material? Foils, fabrics, toys, bottles, gas conduits and water piping, window sections, floor covering, anti-freeze liquids, cosmetics and medicine preparations, and many other products.

“These two production landmarks are colossal successes for us, a confirmation of the correctness of our long-term strategy, as well as the validity of the assertion that Chemopetrol is the heart of the Czech chemical industry. With regard to the ethylene’s unit ever-growing production capacity,” says Miroslav Krejčí, Chemopetrol Executive Director.


UNIPETROL is a group of companies operating in the petrochemical industry in the Czech Republic. In 2005 UNIPETROL became part of PKN ORLEN Group, the largest downstream oil company in Central Europe. UNIPETROL primarily focuses on crude oil processing, fuels distribution and petrochemical production. In all these areas UNIPETROL group is one of leading players in both the Czech and Central European markets. UNIPETROL belongs to the Czech Republic’s most important companies according to revenues and it employs approximately 4000 people.​

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