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Annual General Meeting of UNIPETROL, a.s. will be held on June 24, 2013 in Konferenční centrum CITY, Praha 4 - Nusle, Na Strži 1702/65, PSČ 140 00.

Documents for download before Annual General Meeting:

1. Notice [92 kB]
2. Number of shares and votes [39 kB]
3. Power of attorney - individual [48 kB]
4. Power of attorney - company / legal entity [50 kB]
5. Presence of shareholers at Annual General Meeting [47 kB]
6. Proposal of resolutions [85 kB]
7. Rules of procedures [57 kB]
8. Election of General Meeting bodies [46 kB]
9. Management report [204 kB]
10. Explanatory report [27 kB]
11. Report of Supervisory Board [108 kB]
12. Position of Supervisory Board [97 kB]
13. Report of Audit Committee [54 kB]
14. Auditor's report and nonconsolidated financial statements [1 MB]
15. Auditor's report and consolidated financial statements [1 MB]
16. Report on relations 2012 [327 kB]
17. Proposal of distribution of 2012 profit [40 kB]
18. Changes in Supervisory Board [48 kB]
19. Changes in Audit Committee [39 kB]
20. Appointment of auditor [46 kB]
21. Decision on change to Articles of Association [41 kB]
22. Justification of proposed amendment to Articles of Association [57 kB]
23. Shareholder request for insertion of an item into agenda of Annual General Meeting [426 kB]
24. Shareholder reasoning to proposed item [425 kB]
25. Proposed resolution regarding proposed item [306 kB]
26. Request for including item AGM Mustand Investment Limited [1 MB]
27. Request for including item AGM Entris Equity Limited [1 MB]
28. Board of Directors position regarding requests [40 kB]

Documents for download after Annual General Meeting:

Resolutions of General Meeting 2013 [65 kB]
Voting cast of General Meeting​ [61 kB]

Značky Skupiny UNIPETROL