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​ORLEN Unipetrol a.s.

Milevská 2095/5
140 00  Praha 4​
Czech Republic

Phone: +420 226 841 444
Fax: +420 226 841 447

Company ORLEN Unipetrol a.s. is a member of the 
ORLEN Unipetrol Group.  

Incorporated in the Commercial Register conducted by Municipal Court in Prague, section B, encl. 3020.
Information from Companies register

Name of company

ORLEN Unipetrol a.s.

Company ID No.


TAX number

CZ699000139 (group registration)

VAT number


Registered office

Milevská 2095/5, 140 00  Praha 4, Czech Republic

Questions regarding the existence of utility networks, pipelines, protection zones of facilities and premises of our companies, please direct to the following contact emails:
  1. Litvínov and Kra​lupy sites or other areas:
  2. petrol stations and utilities in their vicinity:​

Contact details of the Data Protection Officer​
Company name ORLEN Unipetrol RPA s.r.o.
Identification number 275 97 075
Registered office Úsek ochrany informací, Milevská 2095/5, 140 00  Praha 4, Czech Republic



Značky Skupiny UNIPETROL